Información Técnica

The main parameters needed by the Account methods, initial elasticity modulus and compressive strength mf Em ‘is the values, the values of the majority of experiments designed to measure pressure. Figure 1 masonry units, mortar and behavior of the prism is shown at the bottom of the axial pressure. Figure 2 is a block wide, and the unit block and the joint thickness and containing a different number of standard prisms of different heights are shown. Method A, h / t ratio of 2 and 10 mm mortar thickness of the two blocks with a single prism testing of joints in question. It is the only fully reflect the behavior of joints due to the prism as an alternative to the actual real size of the walls Method A. Method B is the same as the height but the height of the bottom and the top half of the height of a standard block in the middle of the block and the actual testing of the prism with the two mortar derzine behavior, approaching the structure. Therefore, a minimum of regulations h / t ratio of 2 corresponds to allow, researchers have taken more than h / t ratio of 3 and more use of the prisms.